Every child grows and learns new things at his or her own pace. Children may vary by as much as 6 months in some things they can do. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, you should speak with our Director.
Children can build a tower of blocks, use hand motions for what they want, can say several words, can roll a ball back to you, can imitate things they see, can turn pages in a book, can walk, can climb stairs (on hands and knees) and can pick up tiny objects like Cheerios. Children can also name one picture, can say 5-6 words, will point to picture in a book, can follow simple directions, can take off shoes and socks, can point to body parts, can show affection, can scribble on a piece of paper, can take off coat, can jump in place, can walk downstairs, can match sounds to animals, know more than 20 words, will listen to a story for a short period of time, can use a spoon and cup well with little spilling and begin to draw in a circular motion.