Every child grows and learns new things at his or her own pace. Children may vary by as much as 6
months in some things they can do. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, you should speak with our Director.
Children can enjoy pretend play such as feeding a doll, talking on the telephone, can use 3 word sentences, (me - go – to), can ask simple questions, can help put toys away, can brush teeth with help, can put on simple clothing with help, can wash and dry hands, can run well, hold a crayon with fingers, can turn pages, can also copy actions, can get a chair to reach something, knows the sounds of a bell or dog barking, can sing, can put words together to tell us things, enjoys playing with children, can be shy with strangers, follow rules. Can put on a coat, cap or slippers, can climb upstairs using alternating feet and can copy a circle.